Innovation both on and off the field: Neerpede Training Center RSC Anderlecht
RSCA is not only innovative in the stadium and on the field, innovation is also high on the agenda in their training center in Neerpede. At the end of last year, we equipped three meeting rooms with an i3 Touch interactive screen with Screens by Copytec. These screens are now used during internal meetings, tactical discussions, and scouting. The screens have already proven their added value in the short term, both for sports and non-sports. Employees are much more active during brainstorming sessions and hybrid meetings run extremely smoothly. Also for tactical discussions: “Analyzing players and runs and being able to draw immediately in the image with the markers, that is a very interesting feature for us."
Hybrid meetings provide more efficiency
Two meeting rooms, Zetterberg and Scifo, are equipped with an i3 Touch X2 75”. This is where the meetings with the permanent staff take place. Setting up a hybrid meeting is the most commonly used application and is also the greatest added value. Previously, a screen was used that was connected to a PC via HDMI. People often experience problems with sound due to interference with another PC. Now, in combination with the Logitech webcam, the sound is reproduced perfectly and the camera zooms in on the person who is speaking. A hybrid meeting is now experienced as being just as easy as a physical meeting, moreover, it is more efficient due to the travel savings and therefore additional time gained.

Added value already proven
The screens have already proven their added value in the short term, both for sports and non-sports. Employees are much more active during brainstorming sessions and hybrid meetings run extremely smoothly. Also for tactical discussions: “Analyzing players and runs and being able to draw immediately in the image with the markers, that is a really interesting feature for us.”
Brainstorming sessions are much more active
Meetings are also much more efficient. Where ideas used to disappear into the room during brainstorming sessions, the screen is now fully used and employees enjoy using the markers. Notes are made during the presentation and can be shared immediately. In the Lukaku room, an i3Touch Being able to make notes on an action in the image itself during tactical discussions is the greatest asset here.
i3Cair, an indoor air quality sensor that improves well-being, health, and safety in premises through environmental monitoring and data analysis, is also active in all rooms. Being able to work in a healthy environment is a plus for everyone. This tool displays the situation in real-time so that the necessary action can be taken and you can continue to work efficiently.
Interesting training to discover the features
After the installation of the screens, training was provided for all employees, very interesting to discover the features and continue playing with them yourself. It is a learning process for employees to use all options during meetings. During the presentation itself, novelties are discovered, sometimes unintentionally such as when swiping.