Your New Active Learning Companion

Integrate Fable robots with i3TOUCH for a hands-on, collaborative STE(A)M classroom. This partnership enhances student engagement and streamlines the learning process.
Streamline the journey from robot assembly to block coding with the intuitive integration of Fable and i3TOUCH displays. Focus on immediate, hands-on coding experiences that enhance task-based learning.
Equip students with computational thinking and confidence through interactive projects. The durable, intuitive designs of i3-Technologies and Shape Robotics prepare students for a tech-centric future.
Fable's modular robots streamline creativity and innovation with their simple, interlocking modules, encouraging students to construct and explore. Each module contributes to a robot's ability to perform diverse functions—walking, crawling, moving objects, and beyond. These functions are driven by customizable, programmable properties that students can build within the Blockly platform, offering a tactile approach to learning block coding concepts.
The partnership between Shape Robotics and i3-Technologies merges advanced robotics with interactive displays to revolutionize STE(A)M education. Shape Robotics’ modular Fable robot, paired with the best-in-class i3TOUCH screens, provides an enriched educational experience through active learning. This collaboration equips classrooms with practical tools that prepare students for a tech-driven future.