Flexible and Adaptable Classrooms with Valley Stream School District
Valley Stream School District 24 wanted to expose its students to new opportunities by enriching their classrooms and learning spaces and making them more flexible and adaptable. For the younger grades and kindergarten students, it’s not always easy to sit still at their desks and work in their workbooks. A flexible classroom gives them space to move while they’re learning, and it helps them focus a lot better.
Active learning with iMO-LEARN
One of the solutions that i3-Technologies proposed was the iMO-LEARN active sitting cube designed to promote active movement in the classroom. It combines analog and digital features to give students many learning opportunities by moving. The analog aspect invites students to participate in physical activities focusing on communication, problem-solving, and team-building. The digital aspect helps promote active engagement in learning new content or practicing skills related to learning standards.
Students experience true collaboration with i3BOARD
When using the digital aspect of the iMO-LEARNs, the students can participate in collaborative activities on the i3BOARDs to learn new concepts and to reinforce or enrich different content areas. The multi-touch boards are pre-installed with the i3LEARNHUB software and allow students to collaborate in a wide variety of hands-on activities. They have to turn and move the iMO-LEARN while collaborating to solve the exercises.
The i3BOARDs can also be used for whole-group and small-group instruction to provide differentiated activities to the students to meet their specific needs.

Learning across classrooms and schools with i3LEARNHUB
The i3BOARDs are located in each hallway in each of the three schools and are used for collaboration activities among the schools. A question (either focusing on academics or social and emotional learning) is posed and shared on all three boards, and students from each elementary building respond to it. All the responses are posted in i3LEARNHUB for everyone to view. This way of collaborating provides an avenue for some students to share their opinion who may not have felt comfortable doing this in the past.