Inspiring Learning Environments with Future Classroom Lab and i3-Technologies
Created in 2012 by European Schoolnet, the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) is an inspirational learning environment in Brussels, Belgium challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology, and design in their classrooms. Through six learning zones, visitors can explore the essential elements in delivering 21st-century learning: students' and teachers' skills and roles, learning styles, learning environment design, current and emerging technology, and societal trends affecting education.

Why FCL?
Policy-makers, industry partners, teachers, and other education stakeholders regularly come together in face-to-face training workshops and strategic seminars to develop visions for the school of the future and strategies on how to realize these. The Lab works with 34 Ministries of Education across Europe and has ambassadors in 16 countries who help implement concepts into schools or create learning labs adapted to the local region.
i3-Technologies has been a partner of FCL since 2021. In the Lab there is an i3TOUCH EX, iMO-LEARNs, i3CAIR, i3CAMERA, i3RDM and i3LEARNHUB.
Active Learning
Recently our Education Consultant, Anneke Verbeeck presented our solutions for active learning in the classroom to a group of Future Classroom Lead Ambassadors using i3LEARNHUB, our interactive teaching and learning software, and iMO-LEARN, our active learning cubes.

Development of iMO-LEARN
The iMO-Learn was co-developed with a Danish university on the basis that replacing some sedentary lessons or activities with light physical activity can promote the executive functioning of the brain. In the context of learning, this means light physical activity enhances the ability to ignore distractions, maintain and use the information and understand options and alternatives, which is what we like to call cognitive flexibility.
At first, the design was multiple large donut-like shapes, but after further research, they decided to split the shapes into cubes which is how we know the current design of the iMO-LEARN cubes. This unique shape paired with colorful stickers allows for the cubes to be used in an analog way for many kinds of activities. By simply placing the MDM (Motion Detection Module) into the iMO-LEARN, a whole new range of digital activities becomes available. The MDM allows the active learning cubes to communicate movements to the online learning platform i3LEARNHUB and the interactive display.
The iMO-LEARN gives teachers the ability to transform the classroom both in the physical layout and the way kids interact, learn, problem-solve and so much more.
A day at FCL with i3-Technologies
The FCL Ambassadors attended a workshop with our Education Consultant Anneke Verbeeck to learn more about i3LEARNHUB, iMO-LEARN and the importance of active learning in the classroom.
Watch the video below to see more from the workshop!
Become a Pilot School
Interested in helping us conduct research on active learning with the iMO-LEARN cubes? Reach out to us!